CityCard Norway App Privacy Policy


CityCard Norway App - privacy statement

This privacy statement applies to CityCard Norway’s (org-ID 923 050 000) CityCard Norway Application. CityCard Norway is responsible for processing the personal data that is collected and used locally in the CityCard Norway App, and centrally in the subscription server. The individual using the CityCard Norway App is responsible for processing data in their CityCard Norway installation and the data used in the CityCard Norway App. CityCard Norway App privacy statement is part of the Terms of Use of CityCard Norway App and thus part of the Agreement between the person that uses the CityCard Norway App and CityCard Norway.

1. The purpose of processing personal data in the CityCard Norway App
CityCard Norway App processes personal data in accordance with the Personal Data Act. The purpose of processing personal data when using the CityCard Norway App is to fulfill the obligations CityCard Norway AS has undertaken for the implementation of the agreement you have on the use of the CityCard Norway App.CityCard Norway uses HTTPS communication for encrypted and secure data transfer between you and us.

2. Cookies
Cookies are stored in the browser on your computer/mobile device. CityCard Norway uses cookies to improve your user experience and to make our marketing more relevant.

If you do not want to accept the use of cookies, you can change the settings in the browser so that it automatically rejects cookies. Alternatively, the settings may be changed to inform you each time a website wants to store a cookie.

In addition to this, you can remove cookies that have been stored in the settings on your browser.

3. Information stored in the CityCard Norway App
The CityCard Norway App stores information provided by you when you register as a user of the CityCard Norway App. CityCard Norway App stores the following data:
Person-identifying personal information:
• First name and surname: Used to identify you in the app and to personalize the content.

E-mail address: Used to register user-account and offer app-related content.

Unidentified personal information:
• Firebase Cloud Messaging Device ID: Used to send you notifications.
• Firebase Advertising ID: Used for internal statistics
Other data:
• Catch-related data: Used for internal statistics
• Geodata: Used for internal statistics

4. Third party tools and services
CityCard Norway uses advertising tools such as Facebook and Google Ads. This includes search ads in Google's search results, display ads (in banner format) on websites that are part of Google's display network, ads on Facebook, and YouTube ads on YouTube's platform. Remarketing is also used to reach users who have previously visited the website. We use this to target customized advertising to relevant users.

In addition, information is collected to generate reports regarding demographics and interests. You can adjust your settings if you do not want personalized ads by following this link:

Google Analytics is used to analyze and compile statistics on website traffic, measure performance and monitor campaign performance. Examples of collected data are which browsers are used, which websites users come from, how long the user has been on the website and how many times the website has been visited.

The information collected is processed in anonymized and aggregated form. The information is deidentified, i.e. we cannot trace the collected information back to the individual user. Here you can read more about how Google processes your information and how you can control the information that Google collects.

You can also download this extension from Google:
With the extension, you can easily reject that your data is used by Google Analytics.

5. Disclosure of personal information
Information that can be linked to you as a person will not be shared with others.
CityCard Norway may share your personal information with subcontractors who process the personal information on our behalf (data processors). The transfer of personal data to such data processors takes place in accordance with data processor agreements which, among other things, prevent the data processor from using the information for other purposes.

Transfer of personal information to CityCard Norway’s data processors is not considered disclosure.

6. Access, correction, and deletion
You can gain access to the information registered about you by sending an inquiry to CityCard Norway. You can also request that information about you that is not correct is corrected. Personal information will not be stored longer than necessary to fulfill the purpose of the processing.

After this, the information will be deleted or anonymized, unless the information is or can be stored beyond this as a result of law. Information about your registrations will be stored by the company for as long as required by the law.

7. Securing personal information
Personal information that CityCard Norway App collects, is stored and processed in a safe and secure manner. Routines and measures have been established and documented to ensure the integrity, accessibility, and confidentiality of the information in accordance with the Personal Data Act § 13.

8. Changes
We may change this privacy statement to comply with legal requirements, as well as our own data collection and processing practices.

9. Responsible for data processing
You are responsible for the processing of personal data contained in this privacy statement. If you have questions about the privacy statement, contact CityCard Norway.

10. Contact information
If you believe that your rights have not been complied with in accordance with the Personal Data Act, you have the right to complain to the relevant supervisory authority. This is done by sending a complaint to the Norwegian Data Protection Authority, contact information is available at

Contact information for CityCard Norway is:
CityCard Norway AS, Fjordgata 4

For CityCard Norway App inquiries, please use the following contact information:
e-mail address: